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Wireless Robotic Hand

May 2023 - Aug 2023

Designed, prototyped, and built a Wireless Gesture-Controlled Robotic Hand with multiple functions and a Screen with a Live Feedback Display and error handling.

Used Software Including: SolidWorks, FritzingArduino, Excel

Featured on UofG School Of Engineering website:

download (1).png
Screenshot 2023-11-23 165032.png
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High-Fidelity Robotic Control

Individually calibrated fingers and meticulously engineered knuckle joints ensure a full and precise range of motion.

Long Range Wireless Communication

Integration of NRF24 radios allows for over 100ft of range with high-precision control and real-time connection feedback on LCD.

Engineered for Durability and Practicality 

Over 40 parts designed in SolidWorks through multiple sub-assemblies manufactured into a streamlined product. Strategically designed fixtures allow for easy access to electronic components to troubleshoot or replace parts.

Lower Wrist Isometric (Hidden).png
Designed and Emulated in CAD
Transmitter Schematic Final.png
Servo Controller Final.png
Real World Applications

The purpose of this project was to highlight the Engineering and Design Process that can be applied to the development of any new system or technology today.


This project specifically, could apply to the field of prosthetics and medicine. This device has a foundation that allows for multiple modes, live feedback + connection status, as well as wireless communication which can be easily adapted and integrated. If we substituted the glove controller for an EMG device (which measures electrical activity produced by muscles), the backbone of the system would translate into a great device for amputees. The EMG device would allow the user more intuitive and precise control and in theory, the robotic prosthetic could be designed for any limb of the human body.


An additional use for this technology could be the development of some kind of assistive device for those with mobility impairment or disabilities. This would drastically improve the quality of life for patients. Furthermore, gesture-controlled technology and the use of easily controlled robotic systems could be designed for hazourdous tasks which could improve the safety of dangerous work. 

Project Description

After completing my first year of Computer Engineering at the University of Guelph, I was eager to apply the knowledge I gained by working on a project involving real-world skills and applications. Over the past 4 months, Matthew SalazarChase Keeler, and I designed, prototyped, and built a Wireless Gesture Controlled Robotic Hand.

This project utilizes microcontrollers, servos, RF24 transmitter modules, flex sensors, custom PCBs, and an LCD screen. The main components of this project include the wearable glove controller, mechanical hand, and hardware within the forearm base.

The robotic hand can mirror the user's finger motions in real-time while providing live feedback on each finger's bend angle on the LCD. The user can toggle between 2 modes with a pushbutton on the glove. The "User Control" mode allows the user to control the hand with their motions in the glove. The "Preset Gestures" mode will cycle through several pre-programmed hand gestures (peace sign, closed fist, etc.). The LCD will provide each finger's bend angle throughout both modes and indicate which mode is active at all times. The LCD will also display a message if an interruption with the wireless connection has occurred and whether it is offline or online.

The PCB on the glove controller was designed and tested in Fritzing and TinkerCAD to ensure its functionality and ability to be calibrated with the Arduino Nano and Flex Sensors. The 5 flex sensors read analog voltage values based on their bend which we mapped into servo rotation values for the hand to receive. These converted values were also individually calibrated for each of the user's fingers. We used 3 NRF24L01 radio transceivers in total for this project. One of these radios is integrated into the glove circuit and acts as a transmitter for the 5-finger values and a boolean for which mode is active. The other 2 radios act as receivers - one for the servos, and one for the LCD screen.

The robotic hand itself was designed in SolidWorks and fully 3D printed. It consists of several subassemblies which include a total of 44 parts including each finger joint. The hand was put together with dowels, aluminum rods, and fishing line. The servos are mounted in the servo bed and rotate custom pullies attached to the fishing line. The fishing line is fed up the forearm, through the hand, and up to each fingertip. This allows for precise motions of each finger.

The base of the robotic hand houses all of the other electronics involved in this project. This includes 2 more Arduino Nanos, 2 receiver NRF24L01 radios, and another custom PCB. Each Nano receives information from the glove controller and will rotate the servos and update the screen in real-time based on this data.

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